Beaver Scouts are the youngest section of Scouting, they are typically from 6 to 8 years of age.
The Beaver Scout Motto is “Fun and Friends” and this accurately describes the form the meetings take! Typically, a meeting could include games, craft, stories and acting; they seldom include silence! We also get out and about as much as possible – going on hikes, pond dipping, climbing, etc.
Beaver Colonies are named after Canadian rivers. Each Colony is led by a Beaver Scout Leader (BSL) and is divided into “Lodges”. The BSL will appoint an older Beaver Scout as a Lodge Leader.
Meetings are from 5:00 to 6:15 pm in the Scout HQ. The Beaver Colonies are:
- Clearwater, who meet on Mondays;
- Willowlake, who meet on Tuesdays;
- Windfall, who meet on Thursdays.
Moving Up
Beavers go up to Cubs in the term after they reach 8 years of age.
How to Join
Our Group is currently open to new Members in all Sections.
To register an under six year old on the waiting list, please click this email link.